Electrical Engineers and Contractors cover a broad range of disciplines and sub-disciplines, typically we are responsible for installing Division 260000 (power, lighting, and fire alarm), and Division 270000 (communications). In general, if electricity touches it, so will we.
Check out our sample work, contact us, or drill down into the different project types below…
Understanding the current state and condition of a facility’s electrical infrastructure is crucial for facility owners/managers. Whether you need your existing conditions documented or are planning a new project/renovation to your existing facility, it is imperative to understand your power availability and capacity. Get in touch with us, and if we cannot help you, we will direct you to someone who can.
We design, bid, specify, budget, plan, manage, and install new electrical systems efficiently and intentionally.
We consider a well-designed electrical distribution system to be an efficient use of copper, accomplished by reducing the total amount of copper required for the system.
We intentionally install room for growth to increase your power availability. Commercial buildings change, a lot, which makes us think…“how much money would an efficient and intentional design save in labor hours and dollars for the life of your building?”
Build something with us and find out.
We follow a similar efficient and intentional approach with renovations, remodels, and relocations, yet the requirements differ. Creativity matters more when you take something old and add something new, we live outside the box.
“$5,600/minute – average cost of downtime.” – Gartner
When there is a power outage in a manufacturing facility, in most cases every single process that loses power also loses the product on its assembly line. We have seen the cost of downtime exceeding $20,000/minute. This can be avoided.
Facilities should be allocating a minimum of 10% of their annual budget to system maintenance. Electrical systems are not an exception to inspection and maintenance, they should be the highest priority. We perform electrical maintenance in accordance with the guidelines from the National Fire Protection Agency’s (NFPA) publication NFPA-70B, “Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance”.
Our process involves the following steps:
Visual Inspection - Identifying any visible issues that can be addressed or inspected further via thermal imaging.
Thermal Imaging – Perform a thermal imaging scan of switchgear and panelboards looking for hot spots caused by loose connections or overloads.
Develop NFPA 70B Maintenance Strategy – using the results of the visual and thermal inspections, we develop together a maintenance strategy for your facility identifying the immediate concerns and planned maintenance of systems.